Used Equipment for Sale

China Gear Manufacturing occasionally offers used manufacturing equipment for sale.

The following is a listing of equipment that is currently available.

For additional information, please contact,
Ron Kauzlarich, Vice President of Facilities
China Gear Inc.
Direction: +86-755-81498860
Fax: +86-755-81498829


Quench Press

Dixi-Tech DQ914 Pneumatic Quench Press with PLC Control, s/n 3307 Asset # H66

  • This Quench Press has the same table as a Gleason 36 Press


  • Direct slide table maximum diameter of extension ........................................ 24"
  • Maximum diameter of work ............................................................................... 36"
  • Outside diameter of upper die .................................................................... 37 5/8"
  • Outside diameter of lower die ........................................................................... 40"
  • Distance from bottom of upper die holder to top of lower die holder
    Open ...................................................................................................................... 26"
    Closed ............................................................................................................. 11 7/8"


  • Diameter of pilot .................................................................................................... 3"
  • Angle of expander .............................................................................................. 20 °


  • Machine capacity .......................................................................................... 600 gal.
  • Optional ....................................................................................................... 1200 gal.
  • Size of oil inlet ................................................................................................ 3" pipe
  • Size of oil outlets ........................................................................................... 5" pipe
  • External oil supply required:
    Gallons per minute ............................................................................... Approx. 120


  • Compressed air pressure required free air per minute ......... Approx. 35 cu. Ft.
  • Air storage tank capacity required ........................................................... 40 cu. Ft.
  • Air line pressure recommended ................................................. Approx. 90 lbs. *
  • Size of air inlet ........................................................................................................ ¾"


  • Pump motor .............................................................................. 15 H.P., 1800 r.p.m.
  • Torque motor ..................................................................... 400 inch lbs. 600 r.p.m.


  • Floor space .................................................................................................. 5 ½' X 11'
  • Height .................................................................................................................... 8 ½'
  • Net weight .................................................................................................. 20,800 lbs
  • Gross weight for export ........................................................................... 22,000 lbs

Gleason Testers

Gleason # 13 Tester s/n 16750 asset # T124

  • 14 Taper Gear Head and 18 Taper Pinion Head

Gleason # 13 Tester s/n 17709 asset # T135

  • 14 Taper Gear Head and 39 Taper Pinion Head
  • This Tester Been Rebuilt, but need to be put back together
  • New Spindles Bearing with Re-Ground spindles
  • 95% Fitted and scrapped in.

Gleason # 502 Tester s/n 634808 asset # T60

  • 14 Taper Gear Head and 39 Taper Pinion Head

Inspection Equipment

Mitutoyo RA-2000AH Roundness Tester s/n 120102

Fellows 12M Involute Gear Measuring Machine s/n 28606